Tacoma Area Commission on Disabilities Committee Minutes Hybrid Meeting, hosted virtually via Zoom and in person at Tacoma Municipal Building Friday October 11, 2024 Call to Order Vice Chair Edick called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. Land Acknowledgement read out loud by Lucas Smiraldo Commissioners Present Officers: Chair Hester, Vice Chair Haley Edick Commissioners: Lukas Barfield, Billie Periman, Wanda McRae, Skinner, Shatone, Tony Caldwell Commissioners Absent Coleman, and Sidhu (both excused) City Staff Present Lucas Smiraldo, Angel Pele, Gail Himes Guests Present – Community Diane Diatr, Chris Johnstone (both from Sound Transit), David Edick, Ivan Tudela (Pierce County Human Services) Julian Wheeler (arrived late) Ice Breaker If you had to sing karaoke right now, what song would you choose?” Adoption of Agenda Need to correct Periman’s last name in the minutes. Caldwell moves to adopt, Periman seconds. All in favor Acceptance of Minutes Edick motions to accept. Coleman second. Passed unanimously Welcome of New Commissioners Recognition of new commissioners, Skinner and Martin Commissioners Skinner and Martin introduced themselves and their professional and life experiences that drew them to the commission and were formally welcomed by all commissioners. Public Comment David Edick offered public comment: - Edick - Two issues: o Sidewalk isn’t accessible near Truman School for son to go to band. They’ve submitted a request to the school to request a special stop from the bus. (Bennet & 21st St?) o Renting an instrument for band – There’s a portion of the application that requires a driver’s license number, but if he recalls – that shouldn’t be apart of the application process. - Hester – SYNCO o The Safeway on 56th - There’s a plan to change things behind the Safeway which includes painting murals like the work that’s going on at the corner of B St. and 72nd. o Oct. 26 – There is a Trunk or Treat that they’re sponsoring on Hosmer. Presentation Diane Wiatr and Chris Johnstone, Sound Transit Diane Wiatr and Chris Johnstone Questions to guide conversation: What are your initial thoughts about the parking and active transportation projects? How does the Tacoma Dome Initiative align with TACOD’s mission and goals? How would you like to stay informed about this initiative and public comment results? Feedback was shared regarding the following: TACOD is working closely with Pierce County on installing braille signage. Way findings. And braised print. There was a request for TACOD to write a letter by the beginning of next month describing the suggested signage above to Sound Transit. Hester suggested the Transportation Committee to develop the letter in partnership with Vice Chair Edick so that we can review next meeting. Hester suggested a tour – Diane mentioned that potentially in January but will confirm timing. This is important for those with disabilities to experience beforehand so that they’re capturing feedback from those impacted by the project efforts. Suggestion that there’s enough parking so amplifying the need for a focus to making it more accessible for those who walk and use devices for mobility. Chair Reports • Chair Hester – Pilot Program for Bus Stop Signage has just been put up and finished. Hester had a meeting about accessibility and safety improvements for the SR7 project by military road. Spoke in front of the Pierce County Council about the week without driving. It appears the transportation commission is approving of the change of the composition – which will give them a permanent seat on the commission. Voting will take place next week. There shouldn’t be any issues with approval but there’s a need to fill the seat. Hester is on the council through the CFI but will need help to fill the seat. • Vice Chair Edick -Report Covered by Transportation Committee Liaison Report – Office of Equity & Human Rights – Lucas Smiraldo 1. Feasibility Study Update – Director of Public Works will be meeting with the City Manager to discuss next steps and direction. 2. Update on CBC Orientation New commissioners shared their experience in attending the orientation along with seven CBC members from across the city in person and two additional online. 3. New Subcommittees: * Disability Resources and Access Platforms Caldwell indicated that Coleman’s non profit is offering many of the resource networking that could be built upon * Transportation Access Edick indicated signage for blind has been installed at Commerce Bus Stops and invited commissioners to do a live visit and offer feedback. Subcommittee Reports Public Works—Gail Himes offered an extensive report on work in progress and completed public works projects with built in accessibility. Emergency Management—See Ivan Tudela Report below. Action Items * Send light Rail report to Wiatr as additional input to Pierce Transit on Dome Access Project * Barfield will develop a draft letter of support around decriminalization of psychedelics in synch with statewide efforts. Ordinance may be put forward by Councilmember Bushnell before the end of the year and Barfield would like TACOD to submit a letter of support for the action. * Will check in with David Edick to see if commission can help improve access to music programming for Edick’s son. Emergency Management— Emergency Management met at Emergency Operations and discussed various projects including the Great Shakeout earthquake drill upcoming. Ivan Tudela– Pierce County Human Services Food vouchers were all distributed to seniors. Report from PCAC They’re looking for sponsors to support in various areas of increasing safety for those with disabilities. Officer elections are soon. Training will be offered on navigating sidewalks and other transportation tools. Committee Reports Emergency Management given earlier tonight. Individual Commissioner Reports Barfield will have a draft letter for review regarding decriminalizing psychedelics. Invitation for Community Input Julian Wheeler found meeting link near end of the meeting and offered appreciation for the work of commission and indicated it was a model for other cities including those in Idaho where he currently resides. New Business or Good of the Order None Adjournment 6:00 PM COD Members:, Chair; Amin Tony Hester, Vice Chair: Hayley Edick, Anthony Caldwell, Lukas Barfield, Cheri D. Coleman, Aimee Sidhu, Wanda McRae, Billie Periman, Shatone Martin. and Carletta Skinner City of Tacoma • Committees, Boards and Commissions cityoftacoma.org/cbc • 747 Market Street, 12th Floor • Tacoma, WA 98402-3701 The views and opinions expressed herein do not reflect the official position of the City of Tacoma or City Council and shall not be used to endorse a candidate for office or ballot measure. If you need this information in an alternative format, please contact Lucas Smiraldo at 253-591-5048, or 711, or Washington Relay Services 1-800-833-6384.